Sunday 1 August 2010

Prescott Next Weekend

Before I get into this update, I would just like to let everyone know that the car will be at the Prescott Vintage Hill Climb this coming weekend (7/8th) and if you would like to see the car and meet the people on the trip, the best place to find it will be in the Orchard on the Sunday. There will usually be someone with the car.

The Trip Bit...

All the vaccinations have finally been finished, this brings to an end the aching arms and constant complaints every time someone knocks them. The new tent has been purchased after much research, it is too big really but allows for the two people inside to be able to stand up, which is an added luxury, and as Tesco would say 'every little helps' on a trip like this.

Our first sponsorship money has arrived in the form of Bob and Shiela Mills who made our first contribution towards our ambitious £4000 target. Thank you. Of course any money you can give from 1 pound up to our complete £4000 total would be hugely appreciated, please visit:

The applications for the international driving licences have been sent, but as is usual with all these sort of things, this all takes a while to sort out. The same can be said about the shipping of the car home after the event where at the moment it is all proving to be quite expensive, as expected.

The Car Bit...

The differential has been fully rebuilt and is back working on the car. The delage went on a 50 mile round trip the other day and the diff appears very quiet and working very well. The Dynastart rebuild has been a success and the car is now charging well, even with the headlights on! The modifications to mount the second spare wheel appear to be going well and are almost finished. (As a side note, I am hoping to put a few more photos of the car up from Prescott showing how the changes are taking place.)

The biggest problem for the car at the moment is that it was very recently discovered that the two rear splind hubs are in very poor condition and as of yet no replacements have been found. It is looking as though brand new ones will be needed, but as expected this will increase the build cost considerably. So if anyone has any spare hubs for a Delage any offers would be greatly appreciated!

The navigator seems reluctant to use the GPS as of yet, but I think when she sees some of the roads she is going to attempt to navigate on just by a map, she may change her mind.

The Best Bit: Getting very excited about it all now.
The Worst Bit: Still the thought of digging her own toilet every day.

The Best Bit: Driving the car the other day and realising how much fun it is to drive.(although he may change his mind after a few thousand miles)
The Worst Bit: Trying to find replacement hubs for the car.

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