Tuesday 9 November 2010


Mark and Sue have now passed out of Mauritania and entered into Senegal, which to help you all work out roughly where about in Africa they are is illustrated to the left. 

They have been in Dakar gaining their carnet's as they were unable to do this during their 6 hour boarder crossing, a crossing time that is becoming more and more familiar! 

The whole group was completely shattered after their boarder crossing, carnet gathering affair and the leader (who's name I forget, but I shall find out) insisted to the Sabre Trust that the group had a hotel for the night, something that the trust sorted out.

During my very brief phone call, when I asked Sue what Senegal was like, she said "hot"...hmmm... it's no wonder I was asked to write this!

What has become more and more obvious to me is quite how far they have travelled already yet how far they still have to go! I asked Mark if he was okay and he said that they were both completely fine he just fancied a cup of tea, bit of telly and an early night! Apparently it's simply the early mornings and long days that's starting to get to them.

That's all for now!

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